Your mindset influences your behaviours. Saboteurs are the negative thoughts that become habitual and work against our best interests, particularly in challenging situations. While external factors may challenge you, how you react to your saboteurs can cause self-sabotage! E.g. the voice in your head saying “I am not good at this, don’t do it’” when you are asked to present at work. By discovering how they play out and when they show up, you can then start to manage your saboteurs. This assessment is free and& will help you to identify your top saboteurs that may be impacting on your life. Plus, identifying situations that may trigger your top saboteurs and strategies to manage them better. To download visit
Mindset Coaching PQ Program – Information Session
The Mindset Coaching PQ Program developed by Shirzard Chamine and used with leading US companies such as Amazon, Google and Paypal for their managers and leaders offers a profound and positive user-friendly way to support making positive changes in our thinking about ourselves, others and circumstances. The Mindset Coaching PQ program offers incredibly powerful transformative results individuals and team. The next program will commence 2nd June 2022, there are only 3 spots available. To learn more and read what others have said visit